Multicast Traffic Generator Windows 10

Multicast Traffic Generator Windows 10 Average ratng: 5,0/5 177 reviews

I can setup a router at my desk that is identical to what is deployed on their network, but I don't know of any good simple tools that I can use to generate or listen for multicast traffic. The one mulicast tool I have found is mcast.exe tool which is part of the Windows 2000/2003 resource kit. From what I have read online it seems that mcast. Nping is an open source tool for network packet generation, response analysis and response time measurement. It is free and open source and runs on Linux,.BSD, Windows and Mac OS X. The administrator for Windows Media Services can set the destination port by configuring the multicast publishing point. To do this, follow these steps: On the Properties tab of the publishing point, double-click the WMS Multicast Data Writer plug-in. This plug-in is located in the Multicast Streaming category.

  1. Multicast Traffic Generator Windows 10 Pro
Active2 years, 4 months ago

I'd like to disable the TCP/IP stack's support for multicast completely on Windows for diagnostic purposes. How do I do this?

I'm looking to do this on Windows XP, but if none can be provided, instructions for other versions are acceptable, too (Server and Client SKUs, all variations, across versions as well).

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3 Answers

The Win7 firewall has an option about blocking IGMP

inbound rules, new rule, Custom, choose Protocol, then choose IGMP.outbound rules, new rule, ditto

I see no such option in the XP firewall. It knows of ICMP but not IGMP.

The following is kind of in Morbid's answer

win7 <-- set to 0 that is kind of within morbid's 'answer'.

Set IGMPLevel to 0


all the TCP/IP parameters are registry values that are located under one of two different subkeys of



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParametersInterfacesID for Adapter

At those keys, set IGMPLevel to 0

I haven't tested it though, and on my systems, On my Win7 system or my XP system. While the keys are there, the name (IGMPLevel) isn't in my registry at those keys. So in my case i'd have to create it. Ratatouille soundtrack amazon.

16k26 gold badges92 silver badges153 bronze badges

*Updated to reflect answer as to correct my mistake reading question properly. ;) 2014.07.25

How do I disable multicast on the TCP/IP stack for Windows?

I'd like to disable the TCP/IP stack's support for multicast completely on Windows for diagnostic purposes. How do I do this?

I'm looking to do this on Windows XP, but if none can be provided, instructions for other versions are acceptable, too (Server and Client SKUs, all variations, across versions as well).

seems i disregarded the multicast part my bad been up for far as multicast goes seems you have some options:

as to here refer: Force Windows 7 SP1 to disable Multicast on the NICs

and here: TCP/IP and NBT Configuration Parameters for Windows XP (Q314053)


This article defines all of the registry parameters that are used to configure the protocol driver, Tcpip.sys, that implements the standard TCP/IP network protocols.

The TCP/IP protocol suite implementation for Windows XP reads all of its configuration data from the registry. This information is written to the registry by the Network tool in Control Panel as part of the Setup process. Some of this information is also supplied by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client service if the DHCP Client service is enable.. Read More.

For information about how to edit the registry, view the 'Changing Keys and Values' Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) or the 'Add and Delete Information in the Registry' and 'Edit Registry Data' Help topics in Regedt32.exe. Note that you should back up the registry before you edit it. If you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000, you should also update your Emergency Repair Disk (ERD).

To change these parameters, use the following procedure:

All of the TCP/IP parameters are registry values that are located under one of two different subkeys of

where ID for Adapter represents the network adapter that TCP/IP is bound to. The relationship between an Adapter ID and Network Connection can be determined by examining HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlNetwork{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} ID for Adapter Connection. The Name value in these keys provides the friendly name for a network connection used in the Network Connections folder. Values under the latter keys are specific to each adapter. Parameters for which there may be both a DHCP and statically configured value may or may not exist, depending on whether the system/adapter is DHCP configured and whether static override values have been specified. A restart of the system is required for a change in any of these parameters to take effect..

This is the Key you are looking for I Believe:

This parameter determines to what extent the system supports IP multicasting and participates in the Internet Group Management Protocol. At level 0, the system provides no multicast support. At level 1, the system can only send IP multicast packets. At level 2, the system can send IP multicast packets and fully participate in IGMP to receive multicast packets.

You should set the registry key to 0 to have no multicast support.

hope that this helps a bit more than the previous answer. lol :)

Edited please disregard below:

Answer to question 'How do I disable TCP/IP stack for Windows?':

You can't! You can re-install or reset.

'In Windows XP, the TCP/IP stack is considered a core component of the operating system, and you cannot remove TCP/IP.'

'In extreme cases, the best solution for this issue may be to reinstall the IP stack. But with the NetShell utility, you can reset the TCP/IP stack to restore it to its state that existed when the operating system was installed'

refer here:

also refer here: 'How to Disable Windows TCP/IP Stack in VC++ [Programmatically]' as quoted below..

How to Disable Windows TCP/IP Stack in VC++ [Programmatically]

wanted to know How to Disable Windows TCP/IP Stack in VC++ [ Programmatically ].

We are doing some raw socket programming using winpcap. So our application does not need Windows TCP/IP Stack and We Want to uninstall it the moment our application starts.

Please help.

Thanks in Advance.

The TCP/IP stack is an essential part of any modern OS, including recent versions of MS Windows. As explained on MS knowlegebase Q299357 (speaking about Win XP):

Because TCP/IP is a core component of Windows, you cannot remove it.

At any rate, even if it were possible, no program that uses TCP/IP (which is most modern softtware, since most contain some kind of net integration, auto update etc.) would work, and most would probably fail in mysterious ways, since no one tested that configuration.

So the short answer is: Don't do it.

Maybe you could explain why you feel it necessary to remove TCP/IP networking? Then we might be able to help you.


Based on your comment below, if you want bypass/disable the ARP handling of the TCP/IP stack, then WinPcap should let you do that. If not, you probably need to write your own Windows network driver. Again, this seems extremely complicated and intrusive. Could you please describe what your application does and why you even need to mess around with low-level networking?

Seems futile my friend if their is an answer to your question it is no, you cant.


I was looking on the XP registry for those keys and I could not find them,so I found a better solution:

In an elevated Command Prompt:

To check up if config is OK, write:

Source: Microsoft Website – “Netsh Commands for Windows Firewall”

The IGMPLevel registry key , does not exist in XP , like the image shows above .However , this registry key must be created to exist .

Unless , the registry key in XP is : 'UseZeroBroadcast' .Anyway like told before it works in my XP , at least wireshark does not detect broadcast packets to or to .

IMPORTANT: netsh firewall is deprecated in more recent versions of Windows;use netsh advfirewall firewall instead. For more information on using netsh advfirewall firewall commands instead of netsh firewall,see KB article 947709: “How to use the netsh advfirewall firewall context instead of the netsh firewall context to control Windows Firewall behavior in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Vista”.

Journeyman Geek
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Multicast Traffic Generator Windows 10

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Active6 years, 9 months ago

I am looking for a good simple tool that runs on a standard OS (Windows or Linux) that I can used to test that multicast is being passed properly by a router.

I have been asked by a client to enable multicast routing on a Linux box acting as their router since their phone system requires multicast to for a few features. Since I am not physically near the client I don't really have the ability to experiment with the various methods for setting up multicast routing on Linux. I can setup a router at my desk that is identical to what is deployed on their network, but I don't know of any good simple tools that I can use to generate or listen for multicast traffic.

The one mulicast tool I have found is mcast.exe tool which is part of the Windows 2000/2003 resource kit. From what I have read online it seems that mcast.exe does not work across a router, and only works on the local network, so that doesn't seem to be useful for me to test multicast routing.

So what do tool(s) do you use to test that multicast routing is properly setup?

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closed as off-topic by HopelessN00bJan 21 '15 at 18:45

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5 Answers


Don't have much real world multicast experience, but have you seen mz?

There's also ssmping:

Both installable on Ubuntu 10.10. Good luck!

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iperf is perfect for this and it's readily available for most linux distributions and windows.

On the listener side:

..and it will wait to hear from the source. On the source, begin sending:

at the same time, you'll see the listener receive the traffic:

By specifying the -T 32 option on the sender, you're setting the TTL to 32 which will ensure the traffic can be routed (assuming IGMP, PIM, and whatnot on the routers are properly configured)

BTW, the last time I tried using VLC in this scenario, I ran into an issue where VLC would ignore the TTL setting and always transmit packets with TTL set to 1. Read the bug report for a workaround.


This may or may not be helpful, but in the past, I've used VLC (of all things) as a multicast video source. In my use cases, though, the multicast streams never needed to go beyond a L2 domain, so I can't say if the traffic it generates would be 'proper' routable multicast.


Multicast Traffic Generator Windows 10 Pro

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mcast is the tool that we use to see if multicast has been allowed by our local router. It should be off by default.

Multicast Traffic Generator Windows 10

You don't want multicast packets wandering off clogging up networks where they are not needed.

Interociter OperatorInterociter Operator

You can also try these application: VIC and RAT, multicast application used to be develop for MBONE, available for Windows XP and UNIX. It also support IPv4 and IPv6 Multicast. You can see them at


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